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© 2011 - 2025
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Site development
Sarkor Solutions
Our mission
In modern business an office is not only the visiting card and sign of prestige. Comfort of your workers, their efficiency and willingness to work on the result depends on the office. The principle of operation of the Business Center INKONEL, since its foundation, is the maximum level of service and comfort.
- 13 583
total area of the center
- 3
storey building
- 10
one-story high-rise building
We provided everything that our clients could have decent conditions for everyday work and not be distracted by everyday trivia. The personnel of the Business Center INKONEL consist of 46 people, who really know their stuff. Any emerging issues are resolved efficiently and quickly.
video surveillance system on the floors
access control system
24-hour security services
24-hour access to the building